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Saturday, November 21, 2009

The best job in the world!

People thinks that there are no any suitable jobs in the world for them. But they are absolutely wrong because they haven't seen the world nearly. There are many works in the world for which we can take as a job. As for example is a work of sweeping. Sweeping simply makes us think that it is a work which is suitable only for lower class people! But it is permanently incorrect thinking because all the works are equally important like the friends and families. There is no any discrimination among works but there is some problems in the mind of peoples. Higher class People always blame the one who are of lower class family having no faults. All the peoples have got the rights to choose their bright destiny.
As other work helps the peoples to be independent, likewise sweeping also helps people to be selfhelped. Sweeping not only helps to make the environment clean, it also helps people to be fit and kind. The work sweeping teaches people how to be polite and to respect the elders. Every one knows that sweeping helps to keep the environment clean, but if it is cleaned then there is one advantages too. And that is the childrens and other all the people will not get even only one chance to be sick or suffer from any other diseases. The harmful diseases will not even touch the people in the surroundings. So the sweeping is the best job in the world and will be the best among all jobs in the world everafter.

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