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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Youth & Age

"Youth and Age" are the most important aspects of life. When one is young his life is imagined with nature, hope, ambition and aspiration. Youth presents the life of activity, energy and has all the joyful aspects of a day in spring. A young man dares to do some activity over the cliff and stand strongly like a steam boat against the wind or tides up and down of life. At that time the joy of friendship, love and liberty could be seen upon him.

But in old age love vanishes and the shadow of death comes nearer and nearer. He suffers from various kinds of diseases and abnormal fatness. He remembers all his past years when he used to be young. He thinks that every thing has finished with young age. People thinks that they are burden in the world when they are in the stage of old. They also compares themselves as a trees that are to be broken which has not the future.

Whatever be the thoughts of people, that can't be changed by us. But in my view, young age is the stage when each and every people can do all the works clearly. In this stage, the people has energy to do works and has the spirit to fight against the problems. Beside these life without hope has no chance but we should respect old people because the old age is the total sum of experience and naturity. therefore one should utilise his talents and creative power to boast up his deeds in his old age.

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