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Sunday, October 25, 2009


In my view, life is mainly defined as the process we live and the activities we do daily. It is full of struggles. It is covered by all the happiness and sadness that comes in our way. And these all the happiness and sadness belongs to our work. All the activities that we do invites them in our life. People says that whatever comes in our life is given by father ie, God And we must accept them without any hesitation. But it is not true and we shouldn't blame god. All that happens in the life is all our fault whether that is positive or negative. And we shouldn't do any kinds of activities that hampers the life. We should be very intensive towards all because first impression is the last impression.

Friday, October 23, 2009

God's support is our success

God is simply defined as the creature of world. He is a solemn person to all. Everything in the world is given by him.Whatever we are and whatever we will be tomorrow all depends upon god. But it dont mean that by knowing all our future is in god's hand, just sitting in home and watching televisions and sleeping at all. We should be very hard working and polite to all. All our future depends on our habbits at all...But to be very kind to all we must need a help of god because god designs our golden future.

Friday, October 16, 2009


As we all know that sport is a part of life, it not only help us to be fit & healthy it develops the immunity power too. Sports has became such a best friend of people that no one can live without it. Sport has played a vital role with the life of people.

Todays world is a world of sport. Sport & people's life is interrelated to oneanother, there is not the separation of ages. What old, what young & what adult, there is no any discrimination among them in the name of sports. It is said that, "If there is a will, there is a way" likewise people should have will of sports then only they can tackle with the situations.

If we have some idea related to sports then first of all we should not only think about it, we must perform also then only we'll get a chance to reach towards our destiny. Though sports refers to be healthy but it doesn't mean only playing a games because exercises, yogas, aasans and many more.

We should give our full time in sports only. It doesn't mean that full time means a full 24hrs. An extra time when people gets free is said to be a full time. We can take sports as a joke also because todays worlds only sees a joke only in which they give full concentration. Sport has became an unleftable memory in our life.

Anyway whatever be the views of people, in my view sport is such a artified but natural gift gifted by nature by knowing its importance. And i am sure that it can decorate our future. A grateful thanks to sport that it entered in my life and gave me a joyful moment that not any other can try in my life........

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Youth & Age

"Youth and Age" are the most important aspects of life. When one is young his life is imagined with nature, hope, ambition and aspiration. Youth presents the life of activity, energy and has all the joyful aspects of a day in spring. A young man dares to do some activity over the cliff and stand strongly like a steam boat against the wind or tides up and down of life. At that time the joy of friendship, love and liberty could be seen upon him.

But in old age love vanishes and the shadow of death comes nearer and nearer. He suffers from various kinds of diseases and abnormal fatness. He remembers all his past years when he used to be young. He thinks that every thing has finished with young age. People thinks that they are burden in the world when they are in the stage of old. They also compares themselves as a trees that are to be broken which has not the future.

Whatever be the thoughts of people, that can't be changed by us. But in my view, young age is the stage when each and every people can do all the works clearly. In this stage, the people has energy to do works and has the spirit to fight against the problems. Beside these life without hope has no chance but we should respect old people because the old age is the total sum of experience and naturity. therefore one should utilise his talents and creative power to boast up his deeds in his old age.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Poorest Country in Asia

Kathmandu, Oct 23 (IANS) For nearly two decades he lived a hard life in Spartan bunkers and forest hideouts and survived. But now, after having won a 10-year war on the state ... many people has survived but dont have a food to Kathmandu, Oct 23 (IANS) For nearly two decades he lived a hard life in Spartan bunkers and forest hideouts and survived. But now, after having won a 10-year war on the state ... eat.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The City of Rockford, through its Community and Economic Development Department, is proposing an amendment to its Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Proposed is the addition of two census tracts. No other changes to activities have been made to the original application except that the Housing and Urban Development Bridge Notice was incorporated into the amendment which reduces the minimum purchase discount requirement to 1%.

LED lamp

A high power LED lamp and method for retrofitting conventional traffic signal lamps. The LED lamp includes a housing, a power supply disposed in the housing, a plurality of LEDs mounted to a substantially planar mounting surface in the housing and electrically connected to the power supply for producing diverging light, and a threaded electrical connector extending from the housing. The method includes replacing a convention incandescent light bulb with the LED lamp, and installing a Fresnel lens inside the traffic signal lamp that collimates and just fills and illuminates the outer lens of the traffic signal lamp.


Deforestation is the clearance of naturally occurring forests by the processes of logging and/or burning of trees in a forested area. There are several reasons deforestation occurs: trees or derived charcoal can be sold as a commodity and used by humans, while cleared land is used as pasture, plantations of commodities and human settlement. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. It has adverse impacts on biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforested regions typically incur significant adverse soil erosion and frequently degrade into wasteland.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Aeronautical Engeneering

Aeronautics (from Greek aero which means air or sky and nautis which means sailor, i.e. sailor of the air or sky) is the science involved with the study, design, and manufacture of flight-capable machines, or the techniques of operating aircraft. While the term—literally meaning "sailing the air"—originally referred solely to the science of operating the aircraft, it has since been expanded to include technology, business and other aspects related to aircraft.One of the significant parts in aeronautics is a branch of physical science called aerodynamics, which deals with the motion of air and the way that it interacts with objects in motion, such as an aircraft. Aviation is a term sometimes used interchangeably with aeronautics, although "aeronautics" includes lighter-than-air craft such as airships, while "aviation" does not.


Image of the Saviour Not Made by Hand: a traditional Orthodox iconography in the interpretation of Simon Ushakov (1658).
Acheiropoieta (Greek αχειροποίητα), literally "not-handmade"; singular acheiropoieton), or Icons Not Made by Hand (and variants), are a particular kind of icon, ones that are alleged to have come into existence miraculously, not by a human painter. Invariably these are images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary. The most notable examples are, in the Eastern church the Image of Edessa or Mandylion, and in the West, the Veil of Veronica and the Shroud of Turin


A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.
Although mechanical examples of computers have existed through much of recorded human history, the first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). These were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs).Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into a wristwatch, and can be powered by a watch battery. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as "computers". The embedded computers found in many devices from MP3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are however the most numerous.
The ability to store and execute lists of instructions called programs makes computers extremely versatile, distinguishing them from calculators. The Church–Turing thesis is a mathematical statement of this versatility: any computer with a certain minimum capability is, in principle, capable of performing the same tasks that any other computer can perform. Therefore computers ranging from a mobile phone to a supercomputer are all able to perform the same computational tasks, given enough time and storage capacity.

About Forest

A forest is an area with a high density of trees. There are many definitions of a forest, based on the various criteria.[ These plant communities presently cover approximately 9.4% of the Earth's surface (or 30% of total land area) in many different regions and function as habitats for organisms, hydrologic flow modulators, and soil conservers, constituting one of the most important aspects of the Earth's biosphere. Although a forest is classified primarily by trees a forest ecosystem is defined intrinsically with additional species such as fungi. A woodland, with more open space between trees, is ecologically distinct from a forest.